Goodbye, 2020, and THANK YOU (A Little Inspiration for 2021)

Goodbye, 2020!!

On the last day of 2020, I shared a post on Instagram. And because I loved it so much, I thought I’d share it here. Seemed fitting for my first post of 2021!


UNPOPULAR OPINION: I’m grateful for 2020.

It’s been a hard year. We’ve been lonely. We’ve gone without toilet paper. We’ve missed friends and restaurants and leaving the house without a mask.

We’ve faced hard things and came out on the other side.

So I’m choosing today to be grateful to 2020 for all the lessons learned. For the hard times, because they brought about change. For the going without, so I can appreciate what I have. For the challenges to my mental health, which uncovered the places I needed to heal. For the tearing down of old ways to make space for new, better ones.


I came across the idea of a butterfly emerging from their cocoon, I think from one of Jeff Goins' posts.

As caterpillars, we went into 2020 thinking we’d become better caterpillars. We’d really get this “being a caterpillar” thing down — eat better, get in better shape, learn how to be a “better version” of ourselves.

What we didn’t realize was that we were never meant to stay caterpillars. We were meant to enter the cocoon — the hard, uncomfortable, painful process of shoving ourselves into a dark, humid, too-small place where growth happens. Because yes, the growth process is always painful.

But now we emerge as butterflies. 🦋 We always wanted the wings, we always wanted to fly, but even that’s uncomfortable. It’s unfamiliar. It’s terrifying.

But it’s who we were MEANT TO BE.

We sometimes want to go back into the cocoon. That felt safe in 2020 — the baking, the Netflix binges, the reading-as-coping — but WE DON’T FIT THERE ANYMORE.

I’ll say it again: WE DON’T FIT THERE ANYMORE.

We can’t go back. As difficult as this new life as a butterfly is, we no longer fit our old life, our old mindset. As brave as we were to do the work, to get through hard things, this new life requires another form of bravery — the courage to step past those old limiting beliefs that no longer serve us and spread our beautiful, hard-earned wings.


Let 2021 be the year you fly. ❤️

If you’re ready to fly and finally break through those mindset blocks that keep you from writing your book and finally finishing it, check out the free Writer Affirmations ebook!

Have you ever asked yourself:

  • Why is it so hard to actually sit down to write?

  • Why can’t I seem to find the motivation to finish my book?

  • Why do other authors seem like they have everything figured out and I don’t?

  • Why can’t I sell more books?

This free ebook will help you through those limiting beliefs and more. Get this list of writer affirmations to boost your confidence and gain the motivation to keep going! ⬇️

    Let me know in the comments what your favorite thing about 2020 was — and what you’re most looking forward to in 2021!

    <3 Melissa


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