Working from Home Tips (and a Surprise New Book Announcement!)

Let me just say it: There are some scary things going on in the world right now. The Coronavirus is threatening our health, our economy is crashing, and our jobs are, at best, uncertain.

The responsible thing is to stay home. The safe thing. Because this keeps everyone safe, not just you.

If you’re home, you’re not out catching the disease. If you don’t catch the disease, you can’t spread it to others. And if you’ve minimized your exposure to COVID-19, you’re less likely to contribute to it spreading when you do have to go out.

Because there are vulnerable people in this world, some more vulnerable than you. Even if you’re relatively young and reasonably healthy, what could present as a cold to you could send a compromised individual to the hospital, or worse, to their death.

So please, STAY HOME.

Okay, I’m glad we covered that. Now let’s talk about what’s next.

Many of you, because you’re considerately practicing social distancing (yay you!), are at home more than normal. You may be wondering how you’re going to get through it without going crazy.

Here’s the thing: I’ve been social distancing my whole life, but I’ve been working from home full-time since November. And in the few months that I’ve been working from home, I’ve developed a routine. I’ve tried out what works and learned what doesn’t.

And because I wanted to help you out, I thought I’d put together a list of things that you should do frequently, if not every day, while you’re stuck at home.

Let’s do this. #stayhometogether

1. Develop a self-care routine

When I first started working from home, I fought a daily routine. I still do, if I’m being honest. But I have developed a morning routine that prioritizes self-care and a good mindset.

My morning routine looks like this: fifteen minutes of guided meditation (sometimes ten), my personal yoga flow, mantras and manifesting, then journaling. Sometimes this varies, sometimes I leave out one or two pieces, but I’ve found that when I prioritize this morning routine, my day usually goes better.

So ask yourself: What kinds of things can you do for self-care? Maybe you want to take a bath three times a week (or every day). Maybe you’ll prioritize that crazy TBR and read books for hours on end. Maybe you can take a walk outside. Maybe you should catch up on some sleep. Maybe you just need a good cry.

Whatever self-care looks like for you right now, do it. Make it a habit. Then, when things start to calm down and we all embrace our new normal, you’ll already have that healthy habit in place.

2. Do something creative

I’ve been feeling a cosmic shift in the world over the past few months, but over the past few weeks especially. I’ve noticed several writers stating that their latest projects are flowing and they’re writing like crazy. I too have had an amazing creative project that has grabbed me and won’t let go.

It’s been amazing to watch and experience, and I don’t think it’s been an accident. The Universe knew this was coming, this time of self-reflection and forced isolation, and it’s now presenting us with an opportunity.

For a lot of us, we now have time to lean into our creativity. We can take the time to write that book, paint that picture, do that thing our soul has been crying out for us to do but we’ve been too distracted by “busy” to listen.

So go do the thing, whatever your heart and soul is bursting to do. We were all made to create, after all.

3. Take breaks

In the process of creating, breaks are necessary. So take them. Don’t let the need to feel busy creep back up. Embrace this forced slowing of life. Watch a Netflix show while you eat lunch (my favorite), read a book for an hour when you get stuck, take a bath when your kids are driving you crazy. Whatever would make you happy, whatever can help you stay sane, do it.

4. Spend time with family

If you’re fortunate enough to have at least some of your family home with you, BE THANKFUL. There are so many other families who are apart at this time. If you can’t be with them in person, FaceTime or Skype them. Host a virtual meet-up.

Family isn’t always just blood, either. So check on your friends — especially the extroverted ones.

5. Work on your mindset

Just like a morning self-care routine helps you get in the right headspace, spending time on personal development during this time of quiet will pay dividends later. I’ve been working on my mindset a lot by taking in various devotional readings, reading mindset books, and following inspirational social media accounts. Now’s the time to lean into that. So pull out those books you’ve been putting off, stream that podcast you’ve been meaning to listen to, take that course you purchased months ago and never did anything with, and LEARN.

Again, don’t miss this unique opportunity to better yourself.

6. Re-evaluate and adjust

This social distancing has a silver lining. Spending this much time alone, away from others, may be uncomfortable. If you don’t do it often, it most certainly will be. But it’s also healthy and good, and the Universe knew it was needed so badly that it gave us exactly what we didn’t even know we were looking for.

So use this time to really evaluate your life. Are you doing what you’re meant to be doing? Are you living out your highest calling on this earth, or have you been coasting? Reflect and be honest with yourself.

And if you find that you need to make a change, adjust. Use this time to really lean into whatever it is you were put on this planet to do — or, if you don’t know yet, work on discovering it!

Then work toward that new life. I’ll keep saying it because it’s true:

Don’t let this opportunity go to waste.

7. Move every day

For me, I love yoga. As someone with an autoimmune condition (yes, I am one of those people you’re “social distancing” for), yoga allows my body to move without triggering symptoms that heavier workouts may bring.

Do what works for you. If you can go for a walk outside, do it. If you don’t have outdoor space to run around in, have a dance party with your family. Learn the new workout program you bought the DVD for in 2006.

However you want to do it, just move.

8. Eat, get, and stay healthy

I put all these in one category because I feel it’s needed. If you’re eating junk food, you’re compromising your immune system and actually increasing your chances of getting sick. You don’t have to go all strict here, but prioritize your health. Take it from me, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.

So prepare healthy foods when you can. Get healthy by working on your mindset, exercising, and learning new things. Wash your hands, cough into your elbow, and avoid going out in public. Make health a priority during this time.

9. Be kind and help others

There are so many ways you can help others who are struggling because of our current situation. Donate to a friend who can’t afford groceries because they’re not working. Volunteer to go grocery shopping for an aging neighbor. Set up a virtual meet-up so others won’t feel so alone.

Whatever you can do to stay connected and help others at this time, do it. We all need each other.

10. Practice self-love

The worst thing you can do for yourself and your health is to give in to fear. You cannot dwell on the uncertainty of the future or the worst-case scenario or you’ll end up hurting yourself.

Instead, give yourself love. Practice self-care and self-compassion. Work on trusting yourself enough to know that you’ll be able to handle whatever comes next. Do those creative things that feed your soul.

For when you practice self-love, you’re telling yourself you’re worth it. You’re telling yourself you can handle what comes next. You’re telling yourself that it will be okay, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You’re telling yourself that it’s okay to be happy. Because it is.

I’ll leave you with this wonderful video by the amazing Kristin Martin.

Don’t give in to fear. Take care of yourself. Stay safe, friends, and stay home.

<3 Melissa

P.S. (UPDATE) This blog post and this time in our world really got the creative juices flowing. So I decided to write a book all about working from home! It released Tuesday, March 31st, and I co-wrote it with my husband. I’m so excited to finally have it out in the world!

Here’s what it’s all about:

In these uncertain times, many of us are worried about our financial future. We’re all quickly realizing that jobs can come and go. But there’s hope! More and more people are discovering the freedom an online business or side hustle can bring.

In How to Work from Home: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Digital Products and Services That Tell Your Story, Grow Your Reach, and Make You Money, authors Melissa and Andrew Frey give you a roadmap and a plan to start growing your work-from-home business using the skills and knowledge you already possess! You’ll learn how to:

  • Tell your unique story (and why you need to tell it)

  • Explore skills you could teach

  • Research your competition

  • Discover product ideas

  • Plan and set up your platform

  • Provide value to your ideal customer

  • Grow your reach

  • Create your product or service

  • Brainstorm, plan, and market your product launch

We all have a story to tell, and this book will teach you how to tell it — and make you money along the way.

For less than $5, you can be well on your way to starting your online business. Download your copy today!


Cover Reveal, Release Date, Book Blurb, Interior Formatting Preview, and Book Excerpt for The Prophecy of the Codex!


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