Alignment is kind of a buzzword right now. (But that’s not a bad thing. Keep reading to find out why.)

You’ve probably seen a ton of “experts” use it. You’ve maybe even heard them say you need it. And honestly, you do need it, especially as an author.

But what does it mean to be “aligned” — especially on social media, where you probably spend a lot of your time as an author? And why does it even matter when all you want to do is write and sell books?

Let’s break it down.

Live Authentically

Being aligned simply means you’re living your life authentically, as your truest self. Easier said than done, I know! So I’ll go over some tips on how to do it below.

But first, let’s talk about a few reasons why you want to live aligned as an author.

First, you’ll attract more of the right people. When you’re creating content and writing books from a place of authenticity, the people meant to hear your stories and read your books will know that you are meant for them. Yes, living authentically feels scary, because some people may not like it. But please hear me when I say this: Those are not your people. You’re not going to connect with everyone, and you’re not going to please everyone, so you may as well get REALLY good at attracting the people who love you. They’re the ones you want in your life, anyway.

Second, you’ll be less likely to burn out. When you’re authentically you, you don’t have to work twice as hard to cater to everyone else’s expectations. As you’re probably aware, living like that is EXHAUSTING. By allowing yourself to shine as the most real, genuine version of yourself (because yes, YOU SHINE), you create from a place of flow. Your writing gets better, your true voice comes out, and your heart shows on the page. That’s vulnerable, true. But true connection — and true art — is impossible without vulnerability.

Third, you’ll discover your true purpose. When you fully embrace what feels most aligned to you (despite what others think), you’ll realize what really brings you to life. Because what you were truly put on this earth to do (which, for writers, is probably to write books) fulfills you on a soul-deep level that can’t be replicated, imitated, or contrived. Here’s where bravery is required: You have to be okay with living out your life purpose even if it doesn’t fit in with what’s always been expected of you. It’s terrifying sometimes, but being your authentic self is infinitely easier than hiding parts of who you are.

Fourth, you’ll have more fun. When living as your truest self is your priority, life just feels easier. And that makes it way more fun! Sure, problems will arise, but when you are locked into the knowledge of who you truly are deep down, you won’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you differently. You know that you know who you are, and when you do, you don’t have patience for anyone who doesn’t agree with you. It’s not their life, after all. And honestly, though people usually have the best of intentions, the haters are likely the ones who envy your bravery. Don’t give the hate back — wish them well, and keep doing your thing.

What Does Alignment Look Like in your Author Life?

Being aligned as an author (as any creative, really) is critical for achieving success in your writing life. Why? Because if the you you’re presenting to the world — on social media platforms like Instagram, especially — isn’t the real you, there will be a disconnect with your readers. And even though it may not seem possible, they will sense that disconnect.

Cultivate Connection

Connection with your readers is CRUCIAL to building a real, fulfilling author career. And if they’re sensing a disconnect, that’s the opposite of what you want, right? The two words are polar opposites.

So how do you really CONNECT with your readers?

Connect through writing authentic books, allowing your unique creativity to really shine through boldly and without fear.

Connect through clear communication, by talking about your books so readers who will fall in love with them will be able to find them!

Connect through your content, both on social media platforms like Instagram and on your website or blog by reaching your readers where they are and making personal connections whenever possible. Relate to them as humans first, before you try to sell them your book, because they will be much more likely to purchase your book in the future. And they’ll probably love it even more!

Connection is the basis of marketing, so creating genuine relationships with people should be your top priority, not just another item on your to-do list. (If you’re an introvert, that’s okay. Platforms like Instagram can be a great place to make real connections in a way that feels good to you.)

Quick Marketing Tip:

Marketing is simply communicating to the right readers that you have a book they want. You’re actually doing them a disservice if you don’t tell them about it!

How to create Aligned Content

Okay, so you’re probably convinced you need to create aligned content on Instagram and other social media platforms to genuinely connect with the readers who will love your books, but how?

Here are 5 ways to get started:

1. Be honest with yourself.

Deciding who you truly are will require some soul-searching and likely brutal honesty with yourself, but it’s worth it, for all the reasons I outlined above. But do the work here (like journaling, mediation, or coaching), because your author life will feel lacking until you get into deep soul alignment.

Note: This will take time, but don’t think you have to wait to start before you have it all figured out! You won’t ever get a magical final answer or endpoint — it’s a process.

2. decide who you want to be.

As you start the journey of discovering what you really want out of your author life, make the best decision you can at that time and take action. Want to try a new genre? Write a series? Collaborate with other authors? Start a podcast? Get really good at Instagram? Nothing has to be forever, but it may just be perfect for right now.

Every experience can help you learn and grow if you’re open to it, so whatever ideas you have now that stick with you for longer than a day or two, act on them!

3. Start today, where you are.

Getting into alignment isn’t just about self-reflection. As mentioned above, it’s a process of trial and error, assessments and adjustments, but that’s okay. You can’t always tell what you really want until you start doing it. Clarity comes through action, so don’t wait to start until you have it all figured out. You’ll never start that way.

Start where you are, develop yourself, and learn more about yourself through the process of creating content that feels true to you, communicating authentically, and releasing books. Sometimes you don’t know what you want (or don’t want) until you do it.

4. Create from a place of connection.

Your books and the content surrounding them should come from an authentic place of connection with your readers. This means boldly communicating about your books in the most truthful way (while still being appealing, of course) as well as asking questions of your readers and thoughtfully responding. (Instagram is an amazing place to do this, by the way.) Love insta-love? Don’t hide that! Hate enemies to lovers? Share it! Wondering where your readers stand on those topics? Ask!

Be okay with alienating some readers by being yourself, because they aren’t the ones who’d want to read your book, anyway.

5. Don’t be afraid to talk about your books (with a focus on authenticity).

I hope by now you’ve realized that it’s not only okay to talk about your books, but it’s also required so potential readers can find them! If you come from a place of serving your readers (by giving them the books they want) instead of focusing on what they can do for you (buying your books), you’ll create a true connection that will serve you — and them — for years to come! (Because you’re planning on releasing more books, right? Those readers will want them even more if they connect with you on a personal level!)

And when you talk about your books clearly and authentically on social media platforms like Instagram, you have the opportunity to create deep relationships with readers and other authors by asking questions and engaging with them on a personal level.

Alignment Isn’t Just a Buzzword — It’s a Great Way to Live

When you’re living in alignment, you’re living as your truest self. Your energy will expand and grow, and you’ll reach more people because of it, but only if you connect and serve FIRST. Share what your ideal readers will want — which means it’s okay to talk about your books — from a place of authenticity and connection.

Then you and your readers will both get what you want: your books out in the world!

Instagram is a great place for Authors

If you’d like to go even deeper into creating aligned content for your author life on Instagram, I’m currently running a LIVE round of my Instagram for Authors course (through June 29th!). It even includes a replay of the Aligned Instagram Workshop, where we talked all about how to make sure the content you create on Instagram feels good to you and attracts the right followers for your books.

If you’re ready to connect with your ideal readers on a platform chock-full of them (you know, Instagram), join us! Just click the button below to sign up.

I’d love to see you inside the course.

<3 Melissa


Book Idea to First Draft — How to Start Writing a Book


Introducing the Instagram for Authors LIVE Round!