Trust: Still Learning...

So I guess I'm trying this whole blogging thing. It promises to be an adventure!To start my first post, I thought I'd give you a little background on me. I've been writing my entire life (and doing music, too, but that's another post!) and I absolutely LOVE it. It is unquestionably something I've been called to do. So here I am, putting it out there, bounding forward with courage and determination.I don't profess to be a teacher of writing; I am simply a student, trying to learn the rules so I can figure out how to break them. My posts won't be perfect, but I hope you'll come along for the ride.Here goes nothing...cropped-2014-09-29-18-30-40.jpgI recently finished my first novel, The Secret of the Codex. Writing it was a huge learning experience and I can honestly say that I am not even close to the same person I was when I started. Yet, in some ways, I'm still learning the things God was trying to teach me through the writing process, even at the very beginning.In writing the book, I discovered, in many ways, who I was. And that kind of introspection, as you could likely surmise, dug up all sorts of issues I never knew I had. Issues I didn't really want to know I had.I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about.As it turns out, TRUST was the biggest of those issues. The theme was threaded throughout the book, woven in every word and phrase.Sometimes God just has to hit this stubborn girl over the head.It's been quite a journey. I can't say I trust easily now; I'm not even sure I've made much progress. But I do know that God calls us to trust. And the best part? He's trustworthy.I have to trust that I was given that story for a reason, that I was called to write for a reason. That everything in my life happened for a reason. Sometimes that's a hard truth to swallow.And while we're on the subject of hard truths... Here's another thing, though I don't often want to hear it: it may not be for me to know that reason. That's probably the hardest part.But He's still trustworthy.So here's the question I pose today, something that hit me between the eyes only a few days ago: Maybe I don't trust God because the God I think I know is too small?I hope to expand on that in a later post.Thanks for listening! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this:When do you find it hardest to trust?


The Essential Pain