I Quit My Job Today

I quit my job today.

Today’s not the day I drafted up a letter, asked to meet with my boss, and handed in my resignation. I did that weeks ago. No, today’s the day I’m done.

My last day at my day job.

As I write this way too early in the morning, since it’s becoming apparent that on the days of my big life events I can’t seem to stay asleep, I’m filled with a mix of emotions. I have a knot in my stomach, but kind of in a good way, you know? My body is thrumming, buzzing, my nervous system keyed up for what I know is coming today. And yes, there will probably be tears.

I’m nervous, excited, anxious, happy, nostalgic, ready, TERRIFIED.

What if I fail? What if I succeed? What if I can’t make the entrepreneur life work? What if I’m not cut out for this?

But what if I am?

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