No Longer Becoming, But Instead I Am

This week, I caught the flu. And I didn’t even know it.

If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you know that I live with chronic illness. So this week, when my body started shutting down, I thought I was simply flaring (i.e. my chronic symptoms were showing back up). But I didn’t know why. Did I eat the wrong food again? Was I exposed to some toxin? Was an emotional trauma brought to my subconscious mind that I needed to address?

Nothing seemed to stick out. My diet was the same it had always been. I’ve been doing substantial work to clean up my environment and limit toxins, and I’ve done some recent mindset healing work, too.

So I contacted my doctor who told me I had the flu. Weird, since I didn’t have a fever or any other symptoms I associate with the flu. Instead, I had widespread pain, extreme fatigue, migraines, and some other pain. All normal symptoms for my chronic diseases.

But these symptoms have been under control for a while. They shouldn’t have come back.

Which made me think.

What if the things that seem so obvious aren’t the actual problem? What if those things you think you’re still battling after years and years are actually healing, and you’re dealing with something else entirely?

It’s easy to fall back into old patterns, old ways of thinking. It’s easy to blame something on your past, or your parents, or your upbringing, or __________. It’s easy to think that the same problems you’ve struggled with all your life are ones you’ll struggle with for the rest of your life.

But, as I was reminded this week, when you do the work, you’ll see things start to happen. When you create a vision for your life and determine to see it through, change will take place. When you commit to becoming a better person, you’ll already start being that person.

When you shift your mindset, you shift your world.

When I struggle with knowing the next right thing to do, I simply remember that I just need to do the thing my future self would do. You know, the future self that’s already successful. And I need to do that thing without any anxiety over making the wrong choice or failing, for failure is a prerequisite for success. No, if I do that next thing in alignment with my truest self and who I want to be, I am not only becoming, I already am.

So join me in doing the work. It’s important work, this becoming who you’re meant to be.

It just may change your life.


February 2020 Monthly Goals


Book Excerpt from The Prophecy of the Codex